Get to know yourself at soul level!
Join us on an insightful inner journey and discover your true potential. Break free from all the limitations you have imposed on yourself. This Soulreading gives you the power to get closer to yourself and to start living again as you planned before you incarnated. This way you get back into your flow and strength.

Ask a Question
Are you curious, but you don't know what you want yet, please contact us. I will answer you asap

What exactly do you get?
The meditation series consists of 5 meditations:
Love & Relationships
Career & Money
Health & Vitality
Rest & Relaxation
The New World
For each theme you will receive a:
Video with explanation and inspiration
Worksheet with writing assignment to set your intentions
Guided Channeled Transcendental Meditation
A clear intention is the key to success.
You will receive channeled meditations with light activations and visualizations. During the meditations you will be taken on a journey. You come to places that help you remember what you want most and you receive information that gives you a direction. You get the chance to heal what is in the way of your energy flow. By processing all findings and messages in an added worksheet, it becomes clear to you again. The intention is clear.
Wat levert het op?
The meditation series consists of 5 meditations:
Love & Relationships
Career & Money
Health & Vitality
Rest & Relaxation
The New World
For each theme you will receive a:
Video with explanation and inspiration
Worksheet with writing assignment to set your intentions
Guided Channeled Transcendental Meditation
A clear intention is the key to success.
You will receive channeled meditations with light activations and visualizations. During the meditations you will be taken on a journey. You come to places that help you remember what you want most and you receive information that gives you a direction. You get the chance to heal what is in the way of your energy flow. By processing all findings and messages in an added worksheet, it becomes clear to you again. The intention is clear.

What exactly do you get?
The meditation series consists of 5 meditations:
Love & Relationships
Career & Money
Health & Vitality
Rest & Relaxation
The New World
For each theme you will receive a:
Video with explanation and inspiration
Worksheet with writing assignment to set your intentions
Guided Channeled Transcendental Meditation
A clear intention is the key to success.
You will receive channeled meditations with light activations and visualizations. During the meditations you will be taken on a journey. You come to places that help you remember what you want most and you receive information that gives you a direction. You get the chance to heal what is in the way of your energy flow. By processing all findings and messages in an added worksheet, it becomes clear to you again. The intention is clear.

Now you have the ingredients to make an action plan. The law of attraction kicks off and the manifestation of your Dream Life can begin!
Want to try it first?
There is the option to purchase a theme separately, where the love & relationship modulefreeis. The best thing is of course if you include all themes. The result is a beautiful manifesto for your entire life!
& light
The Soul reading gives you information about your light and your shadow sides. What are your talents and what happens if you don't use them. Often there is a karmic cause, which keeps you running in circles. This reading will bring your soul stories, which are still in the dark, to the light It is the most beautiful gift you can give yourself
Wat kan je doen?
Wil je deze transformerende reis met mij aangaan? Ik bied nu een gratis intake aan waarin we gaan kijken wat er bij jou speelt. Als het klikt en we willen allebei verder, bied ik je een customized traject aan met mooie verdiepende sessies en check ins om te kijken waar je staat in je proces en wat je nodig hebt om je doel te bereiken.
Let's go!
Let's talk!
1 hr 30 min
From 125 euros
1 hr 30 min
From 100 euros
30 min