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Hi, ik ben Soul Traveler 
Bianca de Visser

Ever since I was young I was aware of how I wanted to live my life and that I really wanted to help people.  I wrote down in a journal what I wanted to achieve and how I wanted to do it. However, I went down a completely different path. Because of convictions that I acquired in my youth, I have actually drifted further and further from my path. I also noticed that in my energy. Since I was 13 I suffered from performance anxiety, panic attacks and depressive moods.  This resulted in a burn out when I was 20 and another one when I was 40. The search was started quite early, how do I get rid of those fears?  And what is my talent, what am I doing here? Lots of therapies  tried; including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Haptotherapy, EFT and EMDR.

It all contributed to one piece of the puzzle. Only after I ended up with a special healer, who also went to look at my karmic part, I felt a huge shift.After a few months of working on this process, I can say that I have rid of all those intense fears and am taking steps that I never thought possible.


Since then I've been focusing on moving my career from Digital designer to Energetic intuitive  coach. This with the aim of helping people to live their passions more and to look at the dark side at the same time. Only then can real healing take place.


Mijn gave 

Ik ben een intuïtieve transformatiecoach. Met mijn gaven – helderhorendheid, helderwetendheid en heldervoelendheid – help ik je om de verbinding met jezelf te herstellen. Samen kijken we naar wat je belemmert en waar je vastloopt. Met helende energie via mijn handen maak ik blokkades los en geef ik duiding, zodat je je vrijer voelt en makkelijker stappen zet.

Tijdens een sessie krijg je inzichten op een diepere laag, ervaar je meer rust, en voel je weer verbinding met wie je écht bent. Mijn doel is om je te begeleiden naar helderheid en balans, zodat je krachtig in het hier en nu staat.


Wil je ontdekken hoe je dit pad kunt bewandelen?
Ben je klaar om de eerste stap te zetten naar zelfontdekking? Of je nu iets wilt bereiken, iets wilt uitzoeken, of simpelweg weer in contact wilt komen met jezelf – neem contact op!



Van struggle
naar purpose 

Mijn reis naar bewust leven

In deze podcast deel ik mijn verhaal: hoe ik mijn leven en carrière omgooide, mijn intuïtieve gaven ontdekte en nu anderen begeleid om vanuit hun essentie te leven.

Courses and trainings


  • Tao healing - Loes van Beest

  • Mindfulness course - 

  • Smart body Smart Mind program - Irene Lyon 

  • NLP course from Robert Stevens

  • 7 weeks without anxiety at Atlas Reiki

  • Nicky Verbeek_ Waking up online course

  • At home in I AM  - Online basic program prayers and affirmations

  • Janosh and Patty- the angel codes I and II - Life school ( Chakra study)

  • The pendulum and compass- Mila's holy mojo

  • Point of no return - Robert Bridgeman & Janosh

  • Transformative coaching online - Robert Bridgemen

  • Smart body Smart Mind program - Irene Lyon 

  • Feng Shui certificate - Balancing walls

  • Atlas Reiki I and II 

  • Crystal Visions - Lightwork academy 1 year Master Healer and Master Reader

  • Cocoa facility training- Jennifer Ann Sings

  • Soul Realignment® course level 1, 2, 3

  • Soul Realignment® Manifesting Blueprint

  • Soul Realignment®  Business & Financial abundance

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